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  • Cold & Flu

    Cold & Flu

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    At 1st sign of flu symptoms inc fever chills body aches nausea & fatigue – Take a dose 2 hrly until the symptoms decrease then reduce to a dose every 3-4 hours,

    Then 4-8 hours,then 12-24 hours  Stop remedy when symptoms have subsided or remedy is no longer working

    To help Prevent Flu after direct exposure or start pre expected exposure (like in planes/buses) take a dose per day x 3 days.

    During flu season take 1 dose per month to reduce risk. 

    Continued use of remedies is not necessary once improvement has been noted - only repeat remedy when there is a worsening of symptoms again.

    If condition worsens seek practitioner or medical help immediately

     These combinations are for use in minor ailments only. They are not suitable for self-treatment of serious, chronic or ongoing conditions. Serious injuries and illness should never be treated without seeking expert medical advice.

     Ingredients: Aconite napellus, Arsenicum album, Bryonia alba, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Gelsemium sempervirens,

    Nux vomica 30C (in a water-ethanol-sucrose solution)

    (plus = Ferr Phos 30C, Anas Barb 200C)

    (Do not give to children under the ages of 7)