Ethically handmade from naturally anti-bacterial coconut fibre, the hard bristles of the ECOMAX Foot Brush will provide a firm scrub to remove dead skin cells and sooth even the most calloused of heels.
Use at the end of your shower or bath when your feet have softened in the warm water, a quick scrub over the top layer of skin will help promote healthy cell turnover for smoother, softer feet.
Plastic free. Biodegradable. Vegan. Fair Trade. Zero Waste
Hard Bristle – Coconut
Wet or Dry use
Ideal for scrubbing rough heels after your shower
Key features:
- 100% Natural – made from the outer husk of mature coconuts, a by-product of the coconut industry
- Long-lasting – coconut fibre keeps its shape, strength and scrubability
- Naturally Antibacterial – always smells fresh and mould free
- Non Toxic – our fibres are free of chemicals sprays
- Plastic Free – ensuring no micro-plastics will make their way down your drains to the ocean
- Biodegradable – compost to breakdown naturally
- Ethically Handmade – supporting women producers in Sri Lanka
- Vegan Certified – no hidden animal products
Care of brush:
Coconut is a strong, long-lasting fibre resistant to mould and mildew and is suitable for use in wet environments. Just ensure that the timber handle is not left soaking in a pool of water.
As your brush will accumulate dirt and dead skin cells from scrubbing it is important to clean your brush, spray after each use with our ECOMAX Turmeric cleansing brush spritzer and wash in hot water regularly with an antibacterial soap, shake out excess water and hang brush to dry in the sun.
End of life:
Once your brush has reached the end of its life, throw it in with your compost, once the fibres have broken down retrieve the wire and recycle at your local scrap metal collection point.